Process of sub-division of land in Kenya

Subdivision is the divisor of land into two or more plots/lots. Its purpose is to split a large tract of land into smaller ones that are easier to develop and can be developed independently of one another to increase growth and maximize the use of space. This tool also speeds up the zoning process and selling off of the land, resulting in a fully completed area, though one that is divided into various smaller areas.

Step by step process of Subdividing Land in Kenya

The process commences by preparation of a sub-division scheme by a duly registered physical planner with a valid license from the Physical Planners’ Registration Board. Once this is done, an application for sub-division is done at the relevant Sub county planning office.

The Subdivision scheme is then circulated to various county departments and Government agencies for evaluation purposes. The same includes the below:

  1. County Land Survey office where beacons and boundaries are confirmed. Road reservations and alignments are evaluated.
  2. County Planning office where they check for zoning compliance, planning standards and specifications.
  3. County Roads Directorate
  4. County Valuation Directorate where they evaluate the rating and valuation status and public land verification.
  5. County Environment Directorate
  6. NEMA/WARMA where environmental considerations are taken into account
  7. KRC/KA where railway and aviation considerations are taken into account
  8. Ministry of Defence where military considerations are taken into account.

Once the above is done, it reaches the approval stage. The County Planning Committee issues the approvals. This is communicated through the County Director of physical planning through the form PPA2. The approvals issued are usually conditional and are binding on the owner, successors and permitted assigns.

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